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"National history in board games" in addition to building miracles, are they still the first board g

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back to 5450 BC. Because the early Egyptians did not write history, they did not build an ancient Egyptian history until they were conquered by Alexander around 350 BC, and mo...

"National history in board games" in addition to building miracles, are they still the first board g

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back to 5450 BC. Because the early Egyptians did not write history, they did not build an ancient Egyptian history until they were conquered by Alexander around 350 BC, and mo...

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back to 5450 BC. Because the early Egyptians did not write history, they did not build an ancient Egyptian history until they were conquered by Alexander around 350 BC, and most of this history book was burned together with the Alexander library when Rome conquered Egypt, so the history of ancient Egypt became the most difficult existence to recover.

But for board games, the more mysterious the theme, the more attractive it is. As the first popular IP in the board game industry, Egypt was favored by many designers in the early development of modern board games, and many works can reflect the long history of Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian civilization originated in the Nile Delta in Africa, which is often referred to as lower Egypt. Later, civilization emerged in both lower and upper Egypt (referring to the upper and lower reaches of the Nile).

The reason why it can become the forerunner of ancient civilization is that there are rich natural resources here. Homo sapiens, the ancestors of human beings, multiplied here. Some fled other continents, while some stayed to become African aborigines, and gradually moved towards agricultural civilization.

Modern scholars tend to divide the history of ancient Egypt into ancient times, classical times, imperial times, Hellenistic times and Roman times.


The most well-known thing about Egypt in the ancient wind era (early Dynasty) is that narmai, the king of Upper Egypt, personally led a large army to unify Lower Egypt. He wore a red crown symbolizing Lower Egypt and a white crown symbolizing Upper Egypt, creating the first dynasty of ancient Egypt.

During this period, the unique funeral culture of ancient Egypt gradually formed, the king called himself Pharaoh, and the religious system of polytheism was gradually constructed.

In the classical era (ancient kingdom period), zoser, one of Egypt's most famous pharaohs, was the first person to build pyramids in the Third Dynasty of Egypt.

He had a minister named Imhotep, who was virtuous and humble. He was also good at using witchcraft and medicine for treatment. He was regarded as the God of medicine by later Egyptians. He was also a priest, writer and astronomer. In addition, his most prominent achievement was the construction of pyramids for zoser and the invention of mummy making method.

In the board game Imhotep, the process of Imhotep building pyramids is restored: in the game, players need to use ships to transport stones from the upper reaches of the Nile to build pyramids.


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