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History of table games

Table games originated in Germany and have been popular in Europe and America for decades. We meet and make friends with games. In foreign countries, the content of table games involves war, trade, culture, art, urban construction, history ...

History of table games

Table games originated in Germany and have been popular in Europe and America for decades. We meet and make friends with games. In foreign countries, the content of table games involves war, trade, culture, art, urban construction, history ...

Table games originated in Germany and have been popular in Europe and America for decades. We meet and make friends with games. In foreign countries, the content of table games involves war, trade, culture, art, urban construction, history and other aspects. Most of them use paper materials and exquisite model assistance. It is a face-to-face game with a great emphasis on communication. Therefore, desktop games are the best way to communicate on many occasions, such as family leisure, friend gathering, and even business leisure. At the beginning of the 21st century, it also landed in China and became popular with white-collar groups.


From the beginning of human civilization, there has been the beginning of table games. Traces of table games can be found in almost all kinds of ancient civilizations and even some prehistoric civilizations. In a large number of historical documents and archaeological sites, we have found evidence of the existence of table games - in merknera's Egyptian Pharaoh's tomb, we have found senet, which is considered to be the oldest table game so far.

The revival of table games in modern times began in the early 20th century and rose with the formation of the middle class in western countries. This group has the time and money conditions for leisure consumption and has received a good education. They naturally become the recipients of this game. This popularity is more widespread after World War II: the world political and economic system is facing post-war reconstruction, but people can not extinguish the spark of their desire for war and competition. Therefore, a large number of table games that simulate competition in the form of games are born, including a large number of prototypes with virtual war as the theme, which has become the golden age of the development of table games. Computer games are close relatives of desktop games. Many landmark computer games such as "civilization" are developed on the version of desktop games. With the rise of computer games, table games show signs of decline, also known as German table games. The rise of table games makes table games glow with new youth.

Nowadays, table games have been popular in Europe and America for decades, and have long been a popular social activity. We meet and make friends with games. In foreign countries, desktop games have become as diverse publications as books, covering war, trade, culture, art, urban construction, history and so on. In the long period of development, two factions with distinctive characteristics have been formed, namely "German desktop games" and "American desktop games".


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