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[introduction to board games 1] eight categories of board games, popular science and literacy!

Board games are also called table games. They are mobile and interactive games on platforms similar to table attributes. Since ancient times, board games have been developing in various forms. The relatively mature board games in early Chi...

[introduction to board games 1] eight categories of board games, popular science and literacy!

Board games are also called table games. They are mobile and interactive games on platforms similar to table attributes. Since ancient times, board games have been developing in various forms. The relatively mature board games in early Chi...

Board games are also called table games. They are mobile and interactive games on platforms similar to table attributes. Since ancient times, board games have been developing in various forms. The relatively mature board games in early China have a "promotion map". Up to now, the integration of world cultures has promoted the continuous enrichment and development of the types of board games, which are difficult to summarize.

Board games are divided into 8 types:

Abstract games. Custom games. child 's game. home game. Party games. Strategy game. Theme games. War chess.

1 / what is an abstract board game? Several features:

1. There is no story line or background

2. It has simple and direct design and game mechanism

3. Very intuitive game information display

4. Games usually win if one player defeats another

5. Since Abstract games are generally strategy games, there will be no or less luck in the game.

Representative works: chess and card types, go, chess, etc.

2 / what is a customized board game? Several features:

1. High personalization. Most customized board games are card types.

2. Limit a rule range, and players can freely use their imagination.

3. Most customized board games require players to prepare their own game accessories.

His representative works are magic card and Warhammer: invasion

3 / what is children's board game? Several features:

1. Simple patchwork and playing board games.

2. There are basically no rules and play freely.

3. Specific props are strong and durable. (because children are easy to destroy things)

Representative work: building blocks

4 / what is a family board game? Several features:

1. The competition is not very fierce and tends to be cooperative and win-win board games.

2. Family board games are not very significant in China. They will have a market in Europe and America, similar to cooperative board games.

3. A kind of warm board games that promote family harmony and cultivate feelings.

His representative works are: plague crisis and Catan island

5 / what is a party board game? Several features:

1. Pay attention to board games with multiple participants such as communication, performance, speech and teamwork.

2. The number of people is flexible and pays attention to interactive board games.

3. Board games that can create a cheerful, exciting and lively atmosphere.

Representative works: hand wolf kill = werewolf game, Avalon.

6 / what is a strategy game? Several features:

1. Generally, they have high strategy depth, which is preferred by the core players of board games.

2. The rules are relatively clear and the mechanism is relatively perfect. If you play the game on the premise of fairness, you can get a high sense of satisfaction after winning.

3. There is a very confrontational board game,

Represented by the power company

7 / what is chess board game? Several features:

1. War chess is a kind of board game evolved through the military flag. The purpose is to experience some wisdom of war strategy through the confrontation of board games.

2. Rule judgment and description are relatively complex and difficult to understand.

3. Compared with other types of board games, the door bar is higher.

8 / what is the theme board game? Several features:

1. It has a distinctive story background and game theme.

2. Most of them are role type board games with rich plots and scenes.

3. The theme board games are generally complicated to prepare and need to read more words.

Representative works: the popular mystery of murder, run a group board game with kesulu COC, and recommend a solid boxed kesulu style running group script "the coming of God"

Some people like gambling and feel exciting. Some people don't like gambling and feel too violent.

Some people like werewolf killing and think the party is very happy. Some people don't like werewolf killing and think the rules and mechanisms are too boring.

Therefore, when choosing board games, first distinguish their types, so as to find their own board games faster! Moreover, the current classification has also become a relevant term in the board game circle. If you understand it earlier, you can also understand that the "choose an abstract board game to play" mentioned by your friends refers to those board games!


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